Saturday, November 5, 2016

Pencil Lead Revolution

This is something I wrote to introduce myself as a writer, just  a poem about who I am as a writer and the places I hope it takes me:

By Greg Roberts

I want my writing to have meaning,
While keeping my voice from within me.
Personality always changing
Because my mind is rearranging.
Always writing for a purpose,
But for judgment, it ain’t worth it.

I want my writing to spread a message.
Not spreading fear from the neglected.
Looking at life a better way,
By standing up to society
And the ones who commit crimes, just to get on national TV.
As our world lives in fear,
I want my writing to spread a cheer.

A pencil lead revolution
As we live in a nation, full of pollution.
Put down your weapons
As our history shows, taking lives doesn’t teach lessons.

Taking passion in what we believe
While taking my writing experiences to many different countries.
Expanding my horizons,
while  keeping an open  mind.
Bringing peace to the human kind.

There is no way that my writing could do this all

But as I looked into the future, peace is what I saw.

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