Now when I took this idea to my father he was a little distraught. Giving me several reasons why I didn't need the van. I had one very important thing against him, he did the same thing! Although he thinks he has me convinced, he did make one very good point. From a consumer's perspective, always purchase something as an investment. I was very close to buying the junker van down the street. But my father made it clear, that it would just be a sunken cost, and eventually turn into a money hole. It is important to make the investment up front, and potentially raise its value. This goes for purchasing anything. "If you go cheap, don't expect a smooth ride,"is what my father always told me.
My overall goal is to create living space within a utility van and chase the winter storm. As a low budget college student where do you find that medium balance?
Searching high and low for the best deal, on and off craigslist, it isn't easy to spot the best deals within the used market. It is important to understand your product, as well as its value to you as the consumer. Understanding the market, as well as other consumer reviews on the faults, and common fail trends of the product. Even more so important in today's society, with much more one on one sales with craigslist, people could tell you anything! People are good at telling the perks of the product and tend to hide the reason for selling. Don't get me wrong I love Craigslist, but it is just important to realize you have to be your own sales person and understand the product entirely before purchasing.
As I continue my search, hopes going up and down I can't seem to find the van that suites my needs. I have decided to take my time as a consumer, and fully analyze all options before jumping into a clunker money hole.
A few months ago I too was on the hunt for a van to turn into a traveling house. I also ran into the issue of being tempted by the less expensive junker vans. I agree that purchases like this are investments and need to be considered to a greater extent. Thanks for your thoughts and I hope you find your dream van!