Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Spring Consumercation

Image result for jamaica           For my final semester of college I have decided to do it right and send it on the ultimate spring break trip. Over the past 4 years of college I have crushed Bridger Bowl or headed down to Steamboat, for some all time spring skiing. But this year we headed "down by the beach boi" (Half baked movie quote) headed to Jamaica!! I am incredibly stoked to head down and get tropical. But from a consumer stand point their is many things to learn  and get excited about when deciding to take these kinds of trips.

The Planning begins

Image result for friends traveling
First comes the idea, and assembling the crew! The people you go with is most important because you all have to function and collaborate to make the trip come together. Once the crew is dialed, the planning begins. Coordination, plane tickets, and living accommodations are most important and can be easy to get lost. Once you begin to buy the plane tickets, it all becomes real. The trip is happening and everyone is committed. This is a step many people as consumers need to overcome. Having a structured saving plans to make these large purchases in advance and plan the big day you are headed to the beach. Everyone one deserves a vacation because we only live once.

Once the tickets are purchased, the excitement begins. Anticipation builds and the imagination flourishes. These are the moments worth saving up for.  As consumers it is easy to make the little purchases here and there, but it is crucial to realize it all builds up. The regular bar tab is not conducive to a regular vacation. Justifying purchases with the true value and the opportunity cost involved thinking long term is how I made this trip to Jamaica happen.  Also having an awesome crew to light the fire under my ass.

Image result for jamaicaWe as Consumers get caught in the daily life of making a paycheck and paying rent. But for me I want to look further into life and find the true joys. Of course this daily grind is necessary, but so is taking time to explore and learn from outside experiences. I haven't met one person who hasn't said they changed for the better after traveling the world. As a consumer make the purchase and send it. Go Explore!!!!!!

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