Friday, November 4, 2016

About myself and Consumer Behavior Introduction

     Hello my name is Greg Roberts, a student studying at the fabulous mountains and minds college of Montana State University. Usually consuming more of the outdoors than classroom time, I am a very visual person, consuming most of my  learning experiences in the outdoors. As a marketing major, I find myself trying to understand consumer's behavior within the social groups of my surroundings. Curious about brand techniques and what drives a consumer to place a massive sticker on the back of their car to be affiliated with a brand? I mentioned I loved the outdoors, but skiing is my main hobby and in action sports especially brand affiliation drives the sport. There seems to be so many questions as to what drives a consumer to make purchases and become loyal with a brand. As an introduction to my blog I hope to analyze some of the questions which  I brew, whether over a pint of beer, or to and from business class.

A little more about myself, I grew up in Denver, Colorado and moved to Montana 5 years ago. As a senior in college I have consumed the last 5 years as a broke college kid living on frozen pizza and beer.  Trying to better myself in this world, I have looked to better my habits with Freestyle skiing and endless hours of skateboarding. As a city kid out here in the Big sky country, shooting guns when I can and ripping dirt bike whenever possible I would say I am starting to fit right in. Lets be honest you can probably already tell I am not much of a writer but if you check back every  once in a while I might have something to strike a chord. Here is a video, which is a little outdated but gives an overview of my shenanigans.

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