Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Spring Consumercation

Image result for jamaica           For my final semester of college I have decided to do it right and send it on the ultimate spring break trip. Over the past 4 years of college I have crushed Bridger Bowl or headed down to Steamboat, for some all time spring skiing. But this year we headed "down by the beach boi" (Half baked movie quote) headed to Jamaica!! I am incredibly stoked to head down and get tropical. But from a consumer stand point their is many things to learn  and get excited about when deciding to take these kinds of trips.

The Planning begins

Image result for friends traveling
First comes the idea, and assembling the crew! The people you go with is most important because you all have to function and collaborate to make the trip come together. Once the crew is dialed, the planning begins. Coordination, plane tickets, and living accommodations are most important and can be easy to get lost. Once you begin to buy the plane tickets, it all becomes real. The trip is happening and everyone is committed. This is a step many people as consumers need to overcome. Having a structured saving plans to make these large purchases in advance and plan the big day you are headed to the beach. Everyone one deserves a vacation because we only live once.

Once the tickets are purchased, the excitement begins. Anticipation builds and the imagination flourishes. These are the moments worth saving up for.  As consumers it is easy to make the little purchases here and there, but it is crucial to realize it all builds up. The regular bar tab is not conducive to a regular vacation. Justifying purchases with the true value and the opportunity cost involved thinking long term is how I made this trip to Jamaica happen.  Also having an awesome crew to light the fire under my ass.

Image result for jamaicaWe as Consumers get caught in the daily life of making a paycheck and paying rent. But for me I want to look further into life and find the true joys. Of course this daily grind is necessary, but so is taking time to explore and learn from outside experiences. I haven't met one person who hasn't said they changed for the better after traveling the world. As a consumer make the purchase and send it. Go Explore!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Black Friday

Image result for black fridayThe day some score righteous deals, while others look at our society and cringe. The day after giving thanks and being grateful is followed by the most greedy day of the year. It is consumer chaos purchasing anything in reach to get the good deal. You can't blame someone for trying to snag an awesome deal given the situation, but the fact that it follows a day when people and grateful to be with family and for what they are so fotunate to have. While some people cut this time short, skip dessert to wait in ridiculous lines.  Can't we all just have a day of turkey hangovers, reminiscing on how wonderful it is to be grateful instead of heading straight back to our greedy habits.  

The Holiday season is a time were for many money is a crunch, saving in anyway possible is completely necessary. I myself, get caught looking at the cyber Monday deals impulse buying things that most of the time are a luxury. The only thing I have bought on black Friday that was a must have, was a plane ticket. Besides this, a bunch of junk that is not exactly necessary. Is that present really going to mean as much to your loved one, worth leaving precocious family time to purchase this product. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the ones around you. Not to treat others with disrespect only to buy the massive television that will ruin your New Years resolution

This Video is graphic but is that consumer behavior that follows our most thankful day and it is outrageous. Enjoy! consume away, Stay safe out there. Please comment 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Consumer Fault Line Drawn

*Imagine from Faultine North's Facebook Page

Today I had the opportunity to meet with the founder and owner of Fautline North, a 
concert/recording studio in Bozeman, MT. As someone who is passionate and regular in the Bozeman music scene, there was more to take away from this visit than I  ever would of imagined. 

In this town we seem to get are far share, of a variety of music. From Bluegrass to Punk rock, the party is usually happening on a  downtown Friday or Saturday night. And when there is music in this town, there is usually beer. Having most venues in Bozeman be bars, people consume beer and there experience is complimented by music. This was the one thing David Hearst quickly found out after moving here from San Francisco, that the music scene is the drinking scene. Growing up David went to all ages punk rock shows where people came from all over to for the MUSIC!!!

Faultine North still hasn't been able to gain a beer and wine license, which means for an event to have drinks they have to cater with a bar service (usually Bar 9). Raising the cost and the risk of hosting an event. On top of the catering fees, the bigger bands everyone wants to see, expects a down payment to even come play the venue. So now the risk shifts to the venue and the promoter.  David expressed that he has experienced that people aren't as focused on the music, so they don't buy tickets in advance, or think the venue is far in the little town of Bozeman. From my experience it seemed, people today don't like to commit to the commute and the distance of not being able to head to the next bar, if the current one is lame. The venues location creates this distance where a driver  and a plan for the event is usually necessary. In the easy going town of Bozeman, everyone seems to go with the flow and  there is a lack of planning to go see a band they have never heard of. 
Image result for faultline north
Picture From Cure From The Common, Music Villa
As a Venue Faultline is in a very tough spot. It is such a beautiful, well sounding venue with plenty of room for development with little in its favor at the moment. As consumers it is important to realize what goes into the music that comes through this town and, support the efforts that went into these events. Getting back to the meaning of music and enjoying it for what it is and how it makes you feel. Complimenting the tunes with some good friends and a few drinks, instead of booze being the main focus. Faultline experienced first hand, a tragic incident, were partying got taken to far. Completely out of their control, Faultine North still grieving over the lose of one attendee at an EDM performance. 

As Conusmers I think it is important to support live music, and make music the main focus to a good time. Everything in moderate except for music. Bring back the good times of music and SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Plans after College as a Consumer

It all began when I was 3 years old, two hippy parents moved to Colorado from Michigan and found a love for the ski slopes. I was raised on the mountain, in a family of rippers. Waking up for first chair, hopping into the old 94 Chevy van, the entire family was headed for the ski slopes. As the van door slammed open we were all off in different directions. Tearing up the slopes until the sun went down. As I grow older and venturing off on my own ski driven adventure, I look back and all I can think is I NEED A VAN!

Image result for chevy van  94  Now when I took this idea to my father he was a little distraught. Giving me several reasons why I didn't need the van. I had one very important thing against him, he did the same thing! Although he thinks he has me convinced, he did make one very good point. From a consumer's perspective, always purchase something as an investment. I was very close to buying the junker van down the street. But my father made it clear, that it would just be a sunken cost, and eventually turn into a money hole. It is important to make the investment up front, and potentially raise its value. This goes for purchasing anything. "If you go cheap, don't expect a smooth ride,"is what my father always told me.
 My overall goal is to create living space within a utility van and chase the winter storm. As a low budget college student where do you find that medium balance?

Searching high and low for the best deal, on and off craigslist, it isn't easy to spot the best deals within the used market. It is important to understand your product, as well as its value to you as the consumer. Understanding the market, as well as other consumer reviews on the faults, and common fail trends of the product. Even more so important in today's society, with much more one on one sales with craigslist, people could tell you anything! People are good at telling the perks of the product and tend to hide the reason for selling. Don't get me wrong I love Craigslist, but it is just important to realize you have to be your own sales person and understand the product entirely before purchasing.

As I continue my search, hopes going up and down I can't seem to find the van that suites my needs. I have decided to take my time as a consumer, and fully analyze all options before jumping into a clunker money hole.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Pencil Lead Revolution

This is something I wrote to introduce myself as a writer, just  a poem about who I am as a writer and the places I hope it takes me:

By Greg Roberts

I want my writing to have meaning,
While keeping my voice from within me.
Personality always changing
Because my mind is rearranging.
Always writing for a purpose,
But for judgment, it ain’t worth it.

I want my writing to spread a message.
Not spreading fear from the neglected.
Looking at life a better way,
By standing up to society
And the ones who commit crimes, just to get on national TV.
As our world lives in fear,
I want my writing to spread a cheer.

A pencil lead revolution
As we live in a nation, full of pollution.
Put down your weapons
As our history shows, taking lives doesn’t teach lessons.

Taking passion in what we believe
While taking my writing experiences to many different countries.
Expanding my horizons,
while  keeping an open  mind.
Bringing peace to the human kind.

There is no way that my writing could do this all

But as I looked into the future, peace is what I saw.

Friday, November 4, 2016

About myself and Consumer Behavior Introduction

     Hello my name is Greg Roberts, a student studying at the fabulous mountains and minds college of Montana State University. Usually consuming more of the outdoors than classroom time, I am a very visual person, consuming most of my  learning experiences in the outdoors. As a marketing major, I find myself trying to understand consumer's behavior within the social groups of my surroundings. Curious about brand techniques and what drives a consumer to place a massive sticker on the back of their car to be affiliated with a brand? I mentioned I loved the outdoors, but skiing is my main hobby and in action sports especially brand affiliation drives the sport. There seems to be so many questions as to what drives a consumer to make purchases and become loyal with a brand. As an introduction to my blog I hope to analyze some of the questions which  I brew, whether over a pint of beer, or to and from business class.

A little more about myself, I grew up in Denver, Colorado and moved to Montana 5 years ago. As a senior in college I have consumed the last 5 years as a broke college kid living on frozen pizza and beer.  Trying to better myself in this world, I have looked to better my habits with Freestyle skiing and endless hours of skateboarding. As a city kid out here in the Big sky country, shooting guns when I can and ripping dirt bike whenever possible I would say I am starting to fit right in. Lets be honest you can probably already tell I am not much of a writer but if you check back every  once in a while I might have something to strike a chord. Here is a video, which is a little outdated but gives an overview of my shenanigans.