Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Frustration of Consuming College

Image result for teach a fish to climb treesAs  someone who is very fortunate to be given this opportunity to attend college I feel very lucky. My parents did not attend college and raised a family of 4 all making it through college. This is pretty remarkable. As I start my last semester of college I look back on my five years period and  plus wonder where the time has gone. Endless group projects plus working 40 hours a week, was a little insane but, in some points of college I almost felt I was learning how to bullshit just like high school. When I thought of College, I thought of individual focus to better our own skills to then apply to team situations.

Throughout my life I have been involved in sports teams, jobs, and group projects. In the end it was always a positive outcome learning from others and developing something as a group but, when does it become time to all stop focusing on the same final project or group assignment. In the end, the group usually divides up the work based on strengths and weaknesses, but what if everyone focused on their place of interest working on individual assignment to then collaborate with a larger group. This to me seems way more effective and goes along the lines of trying to teach a fish how to climb trees.

We all learn very different, and to be shoved into a curriculum when honestly come finals time, is a strategy to get by. Not retaining information, because focus is so broadly spread. I have to forget everything to pack in information for the next test. I understand Core classes are important for broadening opportunities and horizons, but wasn't that what High school was for. I knew I wanted to be a marketer, so why make me waste my time with 7 unnecessary credits next semester to meet university requirements. I literally have to take bowling and Yoga, next semester just to reach 19 credits (12 are non-business classes) and although that sounds nice, I am paying my hard earned money to waste time and effort. Not focusing on very in depth marketing strategies.

Potentially I am not making enough out of the situation, but don't get me wrong I have learned a ton from social experiences and interaction which i was so fortunate to obtain through a University. I just feel a revision in cirriculum could benefit the college generation and society as a whole.

Sorry it got a little wordy! please Leave comments

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